Alien Barbarians' Hope Read online

Page 17

  He had been so kind to me and the first to respect and take note of my dietary needs. He never judged or pushed me to try new things, always accepting my choices, and I respected that.

  I pointed to Dew and nodded as I looked back at the council members. Aloud, I said, “First, I choose Dew, who has shown his affection for me and proven he will always care for me.”

  I reached my hand toward him and Dew stepped from the group eagerly, his eyes glancing toward the council.

  I listened as the two elder males exchanged conversation while Dew came to stand at my side. After a moment, he knelt before me as he took my hand in his and tenderly placed his lips against the tips of my fingers.

  He stood again and smiled as he leaned his forehead to gently rest against mine before he stepped back and walked around to stand directly behind me.

  I sighed as I slid my eyes across some of the other males and then let them land back on Karr.

  I lifted my hand and smiled as my eyes met with his. “And, you, Karr,” I began. “The one who saved my life and gave me his home, finery, and hospitality. I choose you as my second mate.”

  Karr looked at me and his own lips widened into a broad smile, his eyes glistening with pleasure as he glanced toward the council members and awaited their speech.

  After they finished, Karr strode toward me and melted to his knees, grasping my hand to kiss, just as Dew had, and rising to place his forehead to mine before taking his place in line behind Dew. Behind me.

  I knew without even thinking who my next selection would be as my eyes searched across the cluster of males, seeking out the familiar face that belonged to Bahl. When I finally found him, my heart swelled, even as my shoulders sagged with relief, and he nodded toward me.

  I pointed him out of the crowd and announced, “Finally, Bahl who spent much of his time in the cave trying to communicate and teach me, and who ensured I had the best clothing.”

  And who makes my stomach flutter with his kiss, I added silently.

  I waved my fingers toward him. He stepped from the group, paused for the elders to speak, and proceeded to regard me with the same kneel, kiss, and touch of foreheads that was obviously the ceremonial mating ritual of acceptance.

  A hush overtook the crowd and Julene spoke suddenly.

  I still couldn’t understand a word, but I was content just to have the beautiful males I’d come to adore standing in support, just behind me.



  I couldn’t believe what was happening right before me. It was beyond reason and entirely unacceptable.

  I lunged from the group of males as I roared, “How can you allow this, Otoro? She has chosen only one hunter in Karr! By our law, that is not sufficient enough to sustain her! What if he should find his death within the current of the lake? Who, then, will provide her food?” I demanded as I came to stand before Otoro, Funi, and Julene.

  Julene pursed her lips and folded her arms over her chest, her gaze icy as she squared her shoulders and stared at me.

  “Arh, this female does not eat meat. Why, then, does she need two hunters if she is a herbivore?” Julene asked curiously.

  “She must choose someone else! She should reject Dew or Bahl and choose someone like me!” I insisted. “I’ve provided her the best stag meat our tribe has seen in years! Have I not been giving her sufficient provisions? Her very dress came from my kill!” I bellowed.

  Maun suddenly approached from my left, his tone low but commanding as he spoke. “Arh, please. Julene has made logic of this. You should calm down, cousin.”

  I snapped my gaze back toward him and began shaking my head. “No! I will not allow this farce of our customs! She cannot choose only one hunter!” I scowled.

  Otoro stood and considered me closely for some time before he finally spoke. “Arh, it’s true that you have gone above and beyond in your courtship, but with this female being a herbivore, things are different. This is not a normal Eilahasan mate selection.”

  ”Never before have we dealt with a female who does not eat meat. Since she eats no meat, there is no need for a second hunter partner. In fact, it would be a waste of resources to assign her two hunters when so many of our own females who do eat meat would require two.”

  “There are no other females of mating age!” I screamed, completely enraged by this decision. “None of you are of any use!” I hissed as I began stomping toward the trees. “I will be hunting! Don’t come looking for me.”

  I disappeared into the underbrush without a glance back at them. How could they allow such a thing to pass? How unfair was it that I had tried so hard to appease the female only to have her continually reject me to the very bitter end?

  I felt the fool for having presented her with the fur and the meat, and there wasn’t a thing I could do to restore my pride.

  As long as the council accepted Ella’s triad, I had no argument, and that made my blood flow hot and fast through my veins, boiling out of control.


  I watched in terror as Arh began bellowing, his fists balled up at his sides as he approached the council members. My eyes widened from the unexpected outburst, loud and disruptive where the ceremony thus far had been quiet and peaceful.

  I backed up into the middle of my three new mates, hoping they would shield me from the screeching.

  I tightened my grip around Bahl’s arm as I turned to him and stood atop my tip-toes to whisper in his ear. “He’s scaring me. Why is he always so angry and frightening?”

  Bahl didn’t respond out loud, but it was obvious that he understood my feelings as he pulled me closer into his embrace and muttered something toward Dew.

  Had I done something wrong?

  I clung to him in fright as I watched the drama unfolding before me without understanding the reason for it. And I certainly didn’t know what to expect next.


  I held Ella close and shook my head as I glanced back at Karr and Dew. “He isn’t going to let this go. His ego can’t handle that she doesn’t want him,” I muttered toward Dew.

  Karr nodded as I continued to caress Ella’s hair. “No, he’s livid, his pride bruised, and in any other circumstance, he would have every right to feel this way. But Ella is not one of our kind. The situation is far different from a typical mating situation. Our triad doesn’t require an additional hunter. The council is right, it’s a waste of resources.”

  He sighed and shook his head, looking weary. “We shouldn’t worry about it for now. I doubt he’ll come to the home cave to stir up an argument after what the council said.”

  “What if he chooses to go rogue?” Dew asked nervously. “I mean, it is a possibility. Arh has never been the most patient or peaceful man. He could let his anger take over.”

  “No one has gone rogue in ages, Dew. I don’t think being rejected for a triad one time is enough to send someone like Arh over the edge. He has more sense than that. Doesn’t he?” I asked, gazing back and forth between Karr and Dew.

  “I don’t know.” Dew scowled. “You heard what he said about the skins and the meat. He did present her with the finest gifts of any of us.”

  “If she were an Eilahasan female, that would be true. The gifts would be outstanding. As it stands, only the skins matter because Ella is not Eilahasan,” Karr pointed out. “And either way, she has chosen us.”

  Ella looked back at us curiously, and I waited until Arh was totally out of my sight before releasing my hold on her. The council announced the ceremony had ended and I waved toward Karr.

  “It seems you should carry her over your threshold. It’s your home cave.”

  Karr shook his head. “No, she can choose any of the caves owned by the three of us as her home cave. She doesn’t have to stay with me. Remember?” he asked.

  I lifted a brow. I had totally forgotten about this rule and chuckled as I considered it.

  “I still think yours is best suited to her. She’s grown accustomed to it and I feel she’ll cho
ose it out of familiarity, something she doesn’t have elsewhere. I also don’t think she will enjoy my craftsmanship. She won’t care for the stench of tanning, with her aversion to meat.”

  “Perhaps, but I doubt she would prefer the stench of monlas,” Karr argued. “What about your home cave, Dew?”

  “I’m quite young. I still call my family’s cave home and don’t have one of my own yet. I even share space with my older brother. It wouldn’t be appropriate to bring her into such a situation and force her to grow accustomed to other people,” Dew explained.

  “It sounds like your home cave is the best option, Karr,” I reiterated.

  He chuckled, obviously pleased by the idea, and strode toward Ella, wrapping his arms around her as he lifted her from the ground and began carrying her back toward the tree line.

  Now was the time for the mating triad and I was both nervous and excited.


  My eyes cast a glance out across the landscape as Karr carried me through the trees and down the footpath, back toward the cave.

  My other two mates, Dew and Bahl, followed closely behind him as he strode through the mouth of the cave and directed us purposefully toward the fur skins.

  He lowered me slowly to my feet and I walked into the center of the furs as I looked at the three males surrounding me.

  Karr’s hand slid down to his breeches and he slowly pulled his cock free of his pants, the breeches sliding to the dirt floor around his ankles.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and turned to gaze back at Dew, whose pants now laid in a pile that pooled about his massive feet.

  Karr strode toward me suddenly and slid his hand up to cup my cheek, tilting my head back slowly as he lowered his mouth to cover mine.

  He slid his free hand down to gently begin pulling at the tie strings of my dress, his fingers carefully gripping the fabric so as not to tear it as he pulled it up over my legs and chest.

  I closed my eyes as I felt Karr’s tongue moving in sync with my own, deepening the kiss and dragging the very breath away from my lungs as he furthered his exploration of my mouth.

  I felt hands upon my legs and, within seconds, the sensation of lips as they moved along my skin, urgently moving up my body as they reached the area the fabric of the dress had covered only moments ago.

  Velvety fingers brushed across the nape of my neck as one of my lovers began pulling the dress over my head.

  I shuddered from the blending sensations, raising my arms to comply with the need to bare myself to them, and the apprehension I held inside seemed to dissolve instantly as Karr broke free from the kiss.

  I peered down at Dew, engrossed in showering the faintest of kisses over the length of my now quivering calves.

  Bahl stood behind me and tossed the gown away as he slid his hands over my shoulders. With his thumbs, he began to massage into my back and I let my head fall forward as I relished the feeling.

  Dew continued to kiss up my thighs, slipping his hand between them as he pushed them further apart. As the air rushed in against my most intimate parts, Dew flicked his tongue against the heat of my slit, eliciting a shudder as I sucked in a deep breath.

  He drew his tongue up between my lips and I felt I was about to collapse from the overwhelming pleasure that instantly swelled within my pussy.

  I shivered again as Karr grinned and tilted his head, lowering his mouth to kiss the edge of my lips and trail his tongue down the length of my neck.

  I felt the prick of his teeth as they barely skidded across my skin. He nipped at my throat before once again placing his lips to my neck and sucking enticingly at it.

  I groaned with pleasure as I felt Bahl lower his mouth to the back of my neck, offering the same treatment and heightening my enjoyment.

  Suddenly, Karr broke away as Dew lifted my thighs, draping my knees over his shoulders while Bahl steadied me in place.

  Bahl’s massive hands held me up from beneath my underarms as Dew buried his face between my thighs. He suckled on my clit, slowly at first, but soon began to nibble with more enthusiasm as he slid one long, thin finger up inside me.

  I could feel the pressure from his finger as it met with the internal barrier—the sign of my virginity—and he slowly pushed deeper within me as he raked his tongue over my clit.

  I began thrusting my hips, forcing his face deeper, begging for more.

  I could feel my body begin to contract from within, tightening around the slender finger that now felt massive.

  I bucked, groaning loudly as I felt my muscles clenching tighter and tighter, and I let my head fall back as I moaned in ecstasy.

  Never before had I experienced such a ground shattering sensation as this orgasm. Here I was, discovering how wonderful it was for the first time, practically spread-eagled and suspended mid-air while this purple male ate me out.

  I groaned as Dew slipped my legs from his shoulders and Karr pointed to the furs. I dropped to my knees as Bahl lowered himself and Dew shifted, sitting now instead of kneeling.

  He waved me closer to him and I crawled over until I could slide onto him. I glanced down at his throbbing cock and my eyes widened at the length and circumference, but that wasn’t my only concern.

  A strange knob pulsated atop the shaft and I was more than a little taken aback, almost fearful.

  As if he could sense my apprehension, Dew leaned forward and slid his hand through my hair.

  I looked down at his cock and he lowered his hand to grasp it as he held it in place. I glanced at myself and, parting my thighs widely, I lowered my pussy over the girth of him.

  “Ahh!” I cried as I was barely able to handle the pain of the head as it entered me.

  He adjusted himself, and almost immediately, the pain was replaced with pleasure as he started to set his pace.

  I felt a hand on my back, pushing tenderly to raise me up slightly and I glanced over my shoulder to see Bahl. He smiled back at me sweetly as his hand fell on my ass, gently spreading my cheeks.

  It didn’t take much thought to realize his intention and I gasped, instinctively tightening the rear opening as air rushed in.

  Bahl began to gently massage the opening, his eyes on mine as I tilted my head and looked over my shoulder.

  Karr moved behind Dew, standing over him, and he reached forward to gently trail a thumb beneath my chin as he brought his cock before my face. He nodded to me and I slowly parted my lips as he placed the tip against my mouth.

  He slid his cock inside and I swirled my tongue around the girth of him as I began to suck with what I hoped was the perfect amount of pressure.

  Bahl teased my rear hole with the tip of his cock and I relaxed my body. Then, he thrust inside and I gasped around Karr’s cock.

  Dew continued to thrust up into my body and I squeezed my inner walls as tightly as I could around him with every inward thrust.

  I could feel myself growing more intoxicated by the euphoric feelings that each of the three men were bringing me.

  I had always heard sex was addictive and heady, but never before had I ever experienced the alluring connection that I was sharing with my three men.


  As Ella’s lips moved around my shaft, I felt my legs growing wearisome in a way I had never before experienced.

  I shuddered as her tongue slid up and down me, drawing me closer and closer to the edge as I watched Dew thrusting deeper and deeper into her with every second that passed.

  The quaking sensations added to the pleasure Ella brought me—somehow seeming to vibrate her mouth against my balls as she worked her lips over my cock.

  When I glanced down to see Bahl taking her from behind, I reached a point of no return. I felt a sudden urgency overcome me. But I was determined to hold back.

  I had been the one to carry Ella into the home cave after the ceremony, as it was my cave, but because Dew did not have one, I felt it would be nice if I allowed him to be the first to experience the joys of pleasure that came from within E
lla’s beautiful figure.

  The smacking sound of Bahl’s balls slapping into Ella’s flesh sent a wave of envy through me, and I wanted to know that feeling too.

  Ella lifted her hand then and began to massage as she stroked up and down my shaft, drawing my seed to the surface.

  I shot creamy sweet cum deep inside her throat with a hoarse shout I hardly recognized as my own.

  To my surprise, she gulped it down and drew out her tongue as if she was lapping it up from her lips as she looked back at me.

  Dew’s grip upon her waist seemed to tighten then, and she groaned as I stepped away from her.

  She was incredible, she was beautiful, and now she was ours.


  As if set up by Karr’s orgasm, his moans loud and boisterous as they echoed through the cave, I too, felt my body growing closer and closer to release.

  I slammed my cock deep into Ella’s ass, pulling back and delving in as I continued to work my body into hers.

  She had never done this before, and that became more and more obvious because of how much time it took to get her prepared for receiving the onslaught I was now giving her.

  I pounded myself into her body. Ella threw her head back as she rode Dew vigorously and took mine hard and fast at the same time.

  I felt the sudden sensation of her ass tightening around me as she held herself in place. And suddenly, I felt the rush of my cum filling her, causing me to groan loudly with the sensation.

  I lowered my head and exhaled with exhaustion as I fell away from her into the furs. I sighed as I realized how very lucky the three of us were to have this incredible and tiny female who was not only intelligent but who had a body that was ripe for lovemaking.